Sunday, July 29, 2012

Transition Day 5

Today I decided I would try some other cooked food, especially since it was my brother's last day in town and my dad always makes a brunch. My mother made pancakes with buckwheat flour, almond flour, coconut, xanthum gum, and baking soda (I think). They were completely grain and sugar free. (Of course, I did add a little bit of maple syrup on top.) Then my dad made fried potatoes and sauteed mushrooms - all in olive oil. I did not have any adverse effects immediately, but I did notice that cooked food makes me think I'm still hungry even when I know I'm full and also it did make my knuckles hurt. I'm not sure if it's heated oil, cooked food in general, or one of those particular foods; I'll have to do some detective work at a later time.

After brunch, I went kayaking with my brother for a half hour in the local park (I had walked the dogs before brunch). My shoulders didn't hurt as I had expected but my hands were really starting to hurt. Gripping things for long periods of time has always been an issue with my EDS, but I did it!

Later, I went to the health food store and got a kale salad with raw tahini dressing and a piece of raw chocolate hazelnut pie. I also ordered a shot of wheatgrass since I hadn't had any greens. The wheatgrass didn't hurt my stomach like it used to, but boy, that taste has stayed with me ALL day no matter what I do. I don't think I could ever do one of the wheatgrass cleanses - I just couldn't stomach it. (But I guess never say never - I also said I would never do a juice fast and we all know how that turned out!) I was so glad to have the kale salad - that's something I can savor. (This one needed a bit more on the dressing as it was quite dry.) But I know I definitely like the savory flavors. I had the dessert later, and it really wasn't all that appealing to me anymore. I think I might have kicked my sugar habit! I would much rather have the savory!

We had a late dinner - leftovers from breakfast plus salad. After dinner my knuckles were really starting to hurt so I do need to figure out if it's from cooked food in general or from lack of greens today. I had a few cherries later, but the sugar was hitting me so I stopped eating them.

For now, I need to stick with a high greens, high raw diet. I might maybe eat 1 or 2 cooked meals a week, but until I figure out what my system really thrives on, I think that's the way to go. So, I will be going back to my green smoothie/raw diet with juices thrown in. I was only going to juice a few times a week, but I'm going to try to do it everyday, partly because my dog does so much better on the pulp!

For now, this will be the last entry on the juice fast blog. I will update if something significant happens with my diet or medical conditions. And I will also update when I get my test results back!

You can catch me on my regular blog - VeggiePatti: Hot Off the Grill

Thinking green, leafy thoughts,


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